Revealed! How Twitter changed the way we watch Tv

I dont know about you,  buy twitter has totally changed the way i watch television. I'm a big sports fan and a loyal Arsenal supporter.  I go most home games at the emirates stadium but when they play away I'll read whats been said on Twitter and join in by tweeting and retweeting.  When you cant be together to watch the game,  Twitter offers the chance to be together even when you are on your own.  I'm a great believer that social media and television are extremely complementary.
Like me,  more and more viewers are turning to social media to interact and participate in live conversation about TV. Understanding this social media buzz is extremely important to the TV  broadcast industry.
Thats why some groups have a global partnership with Twitter. They have an agreement to collaborate on new research products in the area of advertising effectiveness,  consumer satisfaction and media measurement.  They call it DATA OF NOW and they are confident it will allow them to to make real time predictive research a reality  for clients across a range of services and Copycart Integrated hopes to partner as well very soon.
They have also extended this exclusive global partnership with Twitter for provision of social TV ratings and Analytics. Towards the end of 2014 they unveiled the first official twitter metric for measuring Twitter TV audience engagement in the UK and Spain,  and since 2015 the agreement has continued to extend to include the Nordics,  Russia, as well as oart of Africa and South East Asia eventually covering up to 60+ markets. The new tool,  the partner groups Twitter TV ratings, uses geofiltered Twitter data to allow broadcasters,  media agencies and advertisers to track exactly how Twitter amplifies the power of television.
Some groups Twitter TV ratings makes available new metrics.  These include Unique Authors people tweeting and thier affinity to brands,  channels and programs ;
Unique Audiences using data only available to the partner group,  they are able to measure the number of users who viewed tweets related to individual broadcast;
Impressions similar to Unique Audience  except this shows the total number of actual views that tweets about a particular program have received. The new tool alo features existing metrics like the number of tweets and retweets about a program,  before, during and after transmission ; the average number of tweets per minute ascribed to that broadcast.
This is all assessed by the dashboard which includes a live,  real time leaderboard,  giving users a snapshot of the top tweeted program as they happen,  with the ability to focus in on the actual content of tweets in real-time too.
Twitter not only has the power to boost TV viewing during broadcast but that smaller channels and shows can boost their share of voice #digitization by employing effective twitter strategies.
The Twitter TV Ratings are already an amazing resource for broadcasters,  agencies and advertisers who are making use of offical new metric. They are able to assess programs and services,  planned program promotions more effectively and assist media buyers and sellers to integrate insights from social data more comprehensively into TV component of thier midia mix.
Partners have commenced wooon launching the twitter TV ratings across the world. They believe they will offer unparalleled insights into social TV audiences.  As we know Twitter can indeed amplify the power of TV so now its time to turn up the volume.
We know from our study 'A year in the UK released in October 2014, that Twitter not only has the power to boost TV viewing during broadcast but that smaller channels and shows can boost thier share of voice by employing effective Twitter strategies.
Based on the detailed examination of a years worth of exclusive data from both Twitter and BARB,  excluding news and live sports programs,  its key findings include that TV Tweets level broadly correlate with TV channels shares and programs or series viewing figures across a broad time period,  although some channels over-perform on Twitter relative to audience share. Also, that Twitter activity has a direct,  positive influence on viewing figures during broadcast for 11% of programs, boosting audiences by an estimated  2% during those shows.