10 Best Facebook Groups For Online Marketing and Social Media

Would you like to get extra visibility for your Blog, and thereby increasing your traffic? Do you market your business or reach your target audience naturally? If you are a Internet Marketer you need to read this article and join the best Facebook Groups for Social Media Marketing and Online Marketing . Facebook groups are a powerful channel to help us gain visibility for our sites.

If you want to reach your target audience one of the best ways to do it is by building communities or groups on one of the major social networks Facebook, Pintrest, Google Plus or Linkedin .

There are thousands of groups and communities created every day and it’s not easy to find those that really work and that can bring benefits. Often we adhere to groups only by the number of members without knowing if it really is a group with participation or offers value.

So I decided to create a list of the best groups on Facebook for Online Marketing and Social Media that in my experience have great engagement and can help you get more visitors to your site. I will also be providing you with a spreadsheet of 50 groups that allow you to promote your posts so you can increase visitors to your site.

Best Facebook groups for strategies Digital Marketing and Social Media

What are Facebook groups?

I guess you know what they are, but just in case you don’t.

As described by Facebook, groups are the place for small group communication and for people to share their common interests and express their opinion. Groups allow people to come together around a common cause, issue or activity to organize, express objectives, discuss issues, post photos and share related content.

As I said earlier, there are many groups on Facebook and almost all topics you can imagine (marketing, architecture, sport, humor, movies, etc).

Why create a group?

Often we think we do not need to create a Facebook group, because there are already so many Facebook Groups that are of value for what we need.

Here are some of the benefits of having your own group:

As a administrator you decide who can join your group or what can be shared;Brand visibility – everyone who joins your group will know who you are;Build strong networking relationships with other users of the groups;You create a quality community around your brand;Ability to share your content instantly, without waiting for anyone’s approval, etc.

Settings for group privacy

Facebook groups have the following privacy settings:

Public group: any user on Facebook can see the group, its posts and group members. You can join directly without having to wait for administrator approval. Public groups tend to have more members because of how easy it is to join.

Closed group: anyone can look up the group and see who belongs to them, but only members can see the group’s posts. To join you have to wait for the approval of the groups administrator.

Secret group: Only group members can see the group and its posts. Does not appear in search results. You need to reach out to a member of the group for a invite join.

Why you should include Facebook Groups in your Social Media strategy?

There are a number of reasons why you should include Facebook groups in your social media strategy , here is a list of a few of them:

It is a excellent way to reach your target audience for freeA very good way to interact with potential customers or followersA very good tool to promote your content, products or servicesExcellent place to show your knowledge and experience in your nicheHighly recommended a platform to gain brand visibilityA very good channel to get extra web traffic to your website

How to find Facebook groups?

1- Search for group on Facebook Search Bar

To find groups that you are interested in you just have to go to the Facebook search bar  and put the keyword or industry you are searching for.

2- Select Groups from Facebook Sidebar

In case no groups show up on the search bar, you click on “find more results for …”

And then “groups”. and you will find groups related to your search. You can sort groups by:

NameGroup type (open or closed)DescriptionMembersYour friends who are in these groupsIf you are a member or not.

3- Inspect Group

If you find one that interests you look at its subject, type of group, description, members and decide whether you want to join or not.

4- Join the Facebook Group

If you want to join a Facebook group, all you have to do is click on “join” and depending on the type of group you will either be accepted right away or have to wait for a admin to accept you.

Is it advisable to join and post in several Facebook groups?

It depends, I recommend posting in groups that are in your niche and will allow you to interact with your target audience.

If you post in 300 groups and they have nothing to do with your niche, your post will not bring any value to you or your audience. .

Top 10 Groups on Facebook for Bloggers and Marketers

Here ist a list of the top 10 Facebook groups for Social Media Marketing, Bloggers and Entrepreneurs. These are groups where I usually post and have higher percentages of Engagement .

Some have thousands of members and others less but as you can see the level of quality is not measured by the number of users, but their interactions.

The ranking is random but I try to put the ones I get better engagement on the top of the list.

1 – Screw the Nine to Five Community  – Members 18782

2 –Freedom Hacker’s Mastermind #freedomhacking – Members 30265

3 –NicheHacks.com Private Mastermind Group – Members 20791

4 – Blog + Biz BFFs – Members 17026

5 – For Love + Money with Caitlin Bacher– Members 11286

6 – Blogging Newbs – Members 4320

7 –Freelance To Freedom Project Community – Members 4339

8 – Being Boss – Members 13341

9 – Blogging Boost – Members 15409

10 – Bloggers Mastermind – Members 710

Bonus Facebook Group:

Crazy4Blogging Members 145

Become a Social Media ManagerMembers 2970

The Badass Solopreneur SocietyMembers 3364